We provide advanced, data-driven tools for decision-makers, with the following key concepts in mind:
- measure to generate new data and/or simulate to utilise existing data and visualise how systems behave/perform
- leverage new/existing data to develop predictive models (e.g., using statistical modelling or machine learning) to determine what happens next in a system
- employ real-time optimisation methods to change system behavior dynamically and improve performance
- combine simulation and optimisation to determine how to best reconfigure a system to improve performance
Our work is translational across many application areas. ORCA works closely with industry partners in several sectors including Health, Construction, Infrastructure Planning and Government. We develop customised solutions that combine our cutting edge OR and Analytics knowledge with state-of-the-art tools (including many opens source tools) and modern programming languages including:
- the R Statistical Language;
- Python;
- Julia;
- SQL;
- SAS;
- Gurobi Optimization; and
- the JaamSim 3D Simulation Engine.
Types of work

- 10 weeks in Dec – Feb
- Undergraduate-level student(s), generally second to fourth year
- Approximately $6k
- Student(s) submit a focused report/poster on a specific, well-defined small topic
- Company funded
- 10 weeks in Dec – Jan
- Undergraduate student(s) with relevant theoretical knowledge
- Internship salary (generally determined by company)
- Smaller, low-risk project managed by your company
- Company funded
- 7 months in March – Sept
- Final/fourth year (Part IV) undergraduate student
- Costs up to $10k depending on concept owner and IP terms, can be free
- Small research project managed by the University, outputs are presentation and report
- Company funded (if necessary)
- Projects should start in March or July, and generally last for a year
- Two options
- Options
- Your staff
This generally involves staff from your company undertaking research related to their work — we accept part-time enrolments in many of our masters programmes, and any further arrangements (time, cost) are between you and your employee. - Student
- Dependent on availability of suitable student(s)
- Academic and company supervision
- Needs to be a project that meets our University’s degree requirements
- Your staff
- Focused report on a specific research topic/area
- Company provides fees and stipend, approx. $30k
- Projects should start in March or July, and generally last for a year
- Two options
- Options
- Your staff
This generally involves staff from your company undertaking research related to their work — we accept part-time enrolments in many of our masters programmes, and any further arrangements (time, cost) are between you and your employee. - Student
- Dependent on availability of suitable student(s)
- Academic and company supervision
- Needs to be a project that meets our University’s degree requirements
- Your staff
- Focused report on a specific research topic/area
- Company contribution to fees (usually around $8k); Callaghan Innovation funds a full stipend (approx. $25k)
- Usually lasts 3 – 4 years, and can begin at any time of the year (typically March)
- Dependent on availability of student
- Academic and company supervision
- Needs to meet University degree requirements for a PhD, so there will be additional justifications for technical/research depth and originality
- Dissertation and focused report on a specific topic/area
- Approx $100,000 without other funding
- Usually lasts 3 – 4 years, and can begin at any time of the year (typically March)
- Dependent on availability of student
- Academic and company supervision
- Needs to meet University degree requirements for a PhD, so there will be additional justifications for technical/research depth and originality
- Dissertation and focused report on a specific topic/area
- Company contribution to fees (usually around $8k per annum); Callaghan Innovation funds a full stipend (approx. $27k per annum)
- On demand
- Academic staff as project manager and owner
- Typically occurs for a fixed duration and dependent on academic’s availability and teaching workload
- Technically challenging problems addressed; “you pay for it, you own it” model
- Company funded
- On demand
- Academic staff as project manager and owner
- Access to students and technicians if required
- Dedicated project resources
- Unique IP; “you pay for it, you own it” model
- Company funded
- 2-3 years
- Academics as Principal and Associate Investigators
- May include Postdoctoral Fellows, PhD and masters students as required
- Industry as steering/challenge group members
- IP sharing arrangement based on contribution
- Funded by MBIE Endeavour Fund, Smart ideas (high risk high return)
- 2 – 6 years in total, with concept and application occuring in November, and full applications in May (by invitation only)
- Academics as Principal and Associate Investigators
- May include Postdoctoral Fellows, PhD and masters students as required
- Industry as implementation partners
- Industry on governance boards
- IP sharing arrangement based on contribution
- Funded by MBIE Endeavour Fund, Research Programme (ability to transform New Zealand’s future)
- On demand
- Company staff co-located within the University’s multidisciplinary and industry clusters
- Company integrated into our research environments, including the Newmarket Innovation Precinct
- Environments to support company innovation
- Company funded
- Run as required, usually as a long-term collaboration (approximately 5–7 years), with starting period based on demand
- Focuses on relationship building beyond the fees included for research services
- Academic as project manager and owner
- Involves a variety of individuals across multiple disciplines and departments
- Dedicated UniServices management
- Dedicated project resources
- Overarching framework agreements to be made
- Can include licencing and access to University IP and specific technologies
- May include access to commercialisation support, stage-gate and invested committees
- Unique IP can be made available: you own what you pay for
- Access to free Open Innovation
- Funding from MBIE Partnership fund, with companies expected to pay a minimum of $600k p.a.